Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I. N. N.'s QUESTIONS & ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!!!

Questions:How many moons does Saturn have?

Answers:There are around 62 moons, but most of them are lest then 50 km. The largest moon is Titan, which even has its own atmoshpere, and it's large.
Color view of Saturn. Image credit: NASA/JPL/SSI
Questions What planet has the hottest core

Answer The hottest core is Jupiter 24,000c.

Question:How hot is the sun core?

Answer:The sun core is about 28079540.6F

Question:  What is the coldest place in the solar system?

Answer: Neptune's Moon, Triton

Upcoming A6 Projects Special!!!

Upcoming A6 Projects
Reading Log due 12/16/11
Native Amercian Project due 1/11/12

  1. What is the average temperature in San Francisco in December?Look at bottom of page for answer
  2. Which country spends the most money in their military?

1.Average Low in San Francisco is 46F and Average High is 57F
2.The country with the highest budget for the military is the USA,I am not kidding with $687,105,000,000 on the military

Old English Sheepdog by Kaitlyn

The English Sheepdog is a strong and compact dog. Their eyes are brown, blue or one of each color. They can be up to 22-24 inches. Females range from 20-22 inches.Males can weigh up to 65 pounds. Females can weigh up to 60 pounds. Some can be up to 100 pounds.

more christmas jokes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Q. How do Mexican sheep say Merry Christmas?
A. Fleece Navidad!

Q.  What goes OH, OH, OH?
A.  Santa walking backwards

Q. What do monkeys sing at Christmas?
Jungle Bells!

New Jewel of the Week

This jewel of the week is diamond. Diamond is one of the hardest gems in the world. It is harder than any rock in the world. Diamonds allow light to be reflected and exit as a rainbow. Diamonds are created under immense heat and pressure hundreds of miles below sea level. Volcanic  eruptions pushed them upwards after 100 million years of formation. The ancient Greek and Romans believed that diamonds were tears of the gods and splinters of falling stars. Diamonds wre thought to bring good luck and success.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I.N.N.'S Questions & Answers

Subject: Native Americans

Question: Where do the Chipawa live?
Answer: Michigan (Originally around the Great Lakes region from Minnesota and up into Ontario some branches eventually migrated to the Great Plains and into Western Canada.)
Question: When was the first known evidence of humans in North America?
Answer: Most scientists believe humans arrived in between 50,000 to 13,000 years ago with possible settlements around then in South Carolina.
Question:What is the largest tribe in the US.
Answer:The Navajo tribe in Arizona and New Mexico has a whopping 300,000 member.

The Maltese and West Highland Terrier by Kaitlyn and Akira

The Maltese is a small, hardy dog with soft and silky fur.They are gentle, loving and trustable.They are highly intelligent and good at learning tricks.Malteses can grow up to be 15 years old or 18 if you keep it out of the damp.Males can be 8-10 inches and females can be 8-9 inches.They can also weigh up to 6-9 pounds.

The West Highland Terrier is often called the Westie and is a small sturdy dog.They are easily trained and get along very well with children and strangers.Males can be as tall as 10-12 inches and females can be as tall as 9-11 inches. Males weigh 15-22 pounds and females weigh 13-16 pounds.